The University of the Philippines Open University Institutional Research Ethics Committee (UPOU IREC) has been granted Full Level 2 Accreditation by the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) on 6 November 2024, valid until 24 January 2027.

On 25 January  2024, the Committee received a Provisional Level 2 Accreditation, which is valid until 24 January 2025. After months of dedicated work and commitment to fulfilling all accreditation requirements, the Committee is pleased to have achieved this significant milestone.

As a Level 2 accredited REC, the Committee is authorized to review research protocols involving human participants. Level 2 accreditation allows the review of all types of research, except clinical trials for FDA registration of new drugs, which may involve more than minimal risk to participants. The Committee is also authorized to review post-marketing studies.

The UPOU IREC is deeply committed to upholding ethically sound research practices. The members are represented from a diverse range of disciplines, including faculty; Research, Extension, and Professional Staff (REPS) from the University, as well as professionals from external institutions, corporate sectors, and other community stakeholders. This multidisciplinary composition ensures a broad perspective on ethical issues in research.

At present, the Committee is chaired by Asst. Prof Ria Valerie Cabanes and functions under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, with the leadership provided by Vice Chancellor Dr. Primo G. Garcia and the support of Dr. Myra D. Oruga, the Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Research.

Written by Marian P. Tatlonghari  ♦ Edited by Yasele Yambao and Primo G. Garcia ♦ Contributed by UPOU OVCAA