The UP Open University Institutional Research Ethics Committee (UPOU IREC) is the body that will implement the university policy of overseeing the ethical soundness of the institutional research produced, including any research conducted by faculty members, students, REPS, and staff. All institutional research proposals must undergo ethics review and shall gain certification clearance from the UPOU IREC.
News and Announcements
UPOU IREC Receives a Full Level 2 Accreditation from the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board
The University of the Philippines Open University Institutional Research Ethics Committee (UPOU IREC) has been granted Full Level 2 Accreditation by the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) on 6 November 2024, valid until 24 January 2027. On 25 January 2024, the Committee received [...]
UPOU IREC’s Consultation Meeting Recording and Files are now available
In conjunction with the implementation of the Memorandum No. OVPAA 2020-145 issued by the UP System in 2020, the UPOU Institutional Research Ethics Committee, would like to solicit feedback from stakeholders on the most recent version of the UPOU IREC Standard Operating Procedures [...]
Submission Deadline for Ethics Review 2022
A gentle reminder to all UPOU Colleagues that UPOU IREC’s submission deadline for ethics review for the year 2022 is until December 14. We will resume on the 2nd of January 2023. Thank you and stay safe.